Bhavish Aggarwal, the CEO of Ola, posted a video on social media that hints at a feature update for S1 electric scooter. The firm could offer ADAS on the S1 e-scooter in India. In the tweet, Bhavish Aggarwal shared a video, showing a dash cam on the left mirror mount. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), is shown on the dash cam screen by OpenADAS in the upper left-hand corner. The closest distance reading below it probably estimates the E-scooter's distance forward using a sensor. Ola might improve the cruise control system by using all these parameters while simultaneously tracking the scooter's speed. The Ola S1 Pro's cruise control only holds the programmed rate until it is switched off, in its current configuration. However, the latest update might allow the above-cited feature to slow down following oncoming traffic. Ola has not provided exact information about it, so this is only industry speculation.
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Ola S1 Electric Scooter: Will the expected ADAS lead to increased e-scooter sales?
Feature updates mostly lead to improvement in sales figures in the automotive industry. Ola Electric's probable move of providing the ADAS feature on the S1 scooter could further enhance the sales figures in the future. According to market reports, the installation of ADAS would increase the entire riding experience and the safety net of the Ola S1 Pro electric scooter.
With 17,667 units sold, February 2023 was Ola Electric's second-best sales month in the current fiscal year. Ola took the top spot with a 27% market share in the segment in the past month. With a total of 1,29,866 units sold in the first 11 months of this fiscal year, the company is preparing to overtake rival OEMs and become the market leader.
Will share more in a tech demo soon!
— Bhavish Aggarwal (@bhash) March 18, 2023
According to the video, Ola Electric appears to be testing the feature in real-world conditions. As mentioned, we currently have no official information about the details of the update, but Aggarwal has committed to presenting additional facts in a tech demo soon.
Also Read: Ola Electric Announces 500 Experience Centres by March 2023 in India
Ola S1 Electric Scooter: Mechanical & Other Details
There are three trims of the Ola S1, each with a choice between a 2kWh, 3kWh, or 4kWh battery pack. The S1 (2kWh) base model costs Rs 99,999. The most-expensive 4kWh (S1 Pro) variant costs Rs 1.30 lakh, while the 3kWh option costs Rs 1.09 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom (Bangalore). Feature-wise, MoveOS 3.0 connectivity, 7.0-inch touchscreen, on-the-go music, on-screen navigation, personalized widgets, etc., are all included in the Ola S1. All three variants include the Normal, Eco, and Sports riding modes. But the top-of-the-line S1 Pro also has a new "Hyper Mode" feature.
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